JLPT N5*** ***As for your application is a refresher for Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N5.Kanji are often the most difficult to remember the majority of you are new to Japanese. But in this JLPT examPoint is part removed. By self-learning experience and exam preparation N5 his group has gathered all the data, documents, and how to learn in this first version, you can help ease the learning and refresher results the highest in the Japanese language proficiency exam.The main functions of the app① LEARN- Divided into 20-70 lessons, each unit consisting of 10 -90 words - programming based on the book Nihongo Challenge N4. You can switch between the two ways of learning: flash-cards (only includes single from kanji) and learn the details from.② EXAM- This is the question to be collected over the network and removed from the annual exam JLPT exam, help you a refresher after each lesson.③ SEARCH- Helps you can easily find a word meaning kanji based HAN - VIETNAM or romaji, hiragana of the word.④ OTHER APP- We are perfecting the database and your contributions to building more apps to learn kanji, vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening from N5-N1 JLPT exam.With the desire to serve the community better learning Japanese, and better to improve in the following versions we hope to receive a lot of feedback and support from you.Sincere thanks for your support!